Balls for ball mill
Grinding balls for ball mill, mainly includes High, medium , low chromium alloy steel balls and High, medium , low aluminum ceramic balls.etc.The diameter of the steel balls is has 100mm , 80mm , 60mm , 40mm , 20mm etc. click for : how to add balls for ball mill ? how to reduce damage of balls
Ball mill FAQ:
1.How to choose different types of ball mill
1)Discharging size > 0.2mm , usually by grate type ball mill or over flow type ball mill;
2)Discharging size < 0.2mm, usually by over flow type ball mill;
3)2-stage grinding
First stage usually by grate type or over flow type
Second stage usually by over flow type
2.How to decide grinding stage number?
1)Discharging size P80 (200mesh < 65% , check mesh to mm converter ), usually use one stage ball mill grindingP80=106~75um(200mesh is 65% - 80%) , by two stage.
3)Discharging size P80=75~55um(200mesh is 80% - 90%), by three stage
3)Discharging size P80<55μm(200mesh is> 90%),by three stage
3.How to choose the model of the ball mill?
1)first confirm your material, wet type ball mill or dry type ball mill?
2)second confirm your capacity?
the capacity has term of hadness of the material.
usually MQG/MQY900x1800 0.5 - 2 ton per hour
MQG/MQY1200x2400 1 - 3ton per hour
MQG/MQY1500x3000 2 - 5ton per hour
they also have model 1830x3000,2100x4500,2200x4500 etc.
4.Does the ball mill can be driven by diesel engine?
Answer: yes, the ball mill can be driven by motor or diesel,especially the small ball mill.
5.Test run requirement of the new ball mill