Ball mill manufacturer gold copper cement China

Condition:New, for sale

Origin: China ball mill manufacturer

Customization: Support

Capacity:0.2 tph - 500 tph per set
Feeding size:Below 25 mm
Used for: widely used in powder-making line including mining, ore, minral, stone, cement, new-type building material, refractory materialglass ceramics, etc.

Ball mill manufacturer gold copper cement China

China ball mill in workshop

Ball mill classification:

Based on discharge methods can be divide into 3 models overflow type ball mill , grate (or grid ) type ball mill , and peripheral type (this type most is rod mill

Grate type ball mill 
The grate type ball mill is a low-level forced ore discharge machine, which stores less slurry in the grinding machine. so, higher density minerals are not easily concentrated in the grinding machine. 
Overcrushing is lighter than overflow type ball mills
The grinding speed can be faster. 
The productivity of grate type is usually 10% to 20% higher than overflow type.
Overflow type ball mil
Overflow type ball mill has a simple structure 
Easy to manage and maintain. 
It is better for fine grinding than grate type, 
Overflow type ball mills are often used in mineral processing.
China ball mill

Parameter of the Ball mill

Specification Rotary speed(rpm) Balls loading(t) Feeding size(mm) Discharging size Capacity(tph) Motor model Power(kw) Dimension(L*W*H mm) Weight(t)
MQG900×1800 38 1.8 ≤25 0.074—0.6 0.8—1 Y225M 22 4765×2300×1985 5.5
MQG900×300 37.4 2.7 ≤25 0.074—0.3 0.8 Y225M 30 6170×2034×2074 7.2
MQG1200×2400 32 4.8 ≤20 0.074—0.6 1.5—2 Y280M 45 6520×2850×2540 11.5
MQG1200×4500 30 5.2 ≤25 0.074 1.5 Y280M 55 8820×3070×2630 13.8
MQG1500×4500 28.8 10 ≤25 0.074—0.4 3—4 JR126 110 9680×3200×2114 23
MQG1500×6400 28.8 12 ≤25 0.074—0.4 3—5 JR127 130 10440×3200×2114 25
MQG1830×5400 28.8 13 ≤25 0.074—0.4 3—5 JR127 130 11140×3200×2114 27
MQG1830×6400 24.5 15 ≤25 0.074—0.4 3—7 JR137 210 9880×4685×3750 33
MQG1830×7000 24.5 19 ≤25 0.074—0.4 5—7 JR137 210 11710×4685×3750 34
MQG2200×7000 24.5 20 ≤25 0.074—0.4 6—8 JR138 245 12320×4685×3750 36
MQG2200×9000 21.6 30 ≤25 0.074—0.8 8—10 JR158 380 12780×5365×4210 54.43
MQG2400×7000 21.4 34 ≤25 0.074—0.8 8—10 JR1510 475 15180×5465×4210 68.5
MQG2400×8000 20.4 36 ≤25 0.074—0.8 10—14 JR1510 475 13520×5700×4800 79
MQG2600×8000 20.4 42 ≤25 0.074—0.8 10—14 YR630 560 14520×5865×4800 85
MQG2600×8000 19.6 52 ≤25 0.074—0.8 16—20 JR1512 630 14780×5600×4910 97
MQG3000×9000 18.3 78 ≤25 0.074—0.8 20—25 YR1000 1000 17010×7100×5400 150

Balls for ball mill


Grinding balls for ball mill, mainly includes High, medium , low chromium alloy steel balls and High, medium , low aluminum ceramic balls.etc.The diameter of the steel balls is has 100mm , 80mm , 60mm , 40mm , 20mm etc. click for : how to add balls for ball mill ? how to reduce damage of balls


Ball mill FAQ:

1.How to choose different types of ball mill 

1)Discharging size > 0.2mm , usually by grate type ball mill or over flow type ball mill;
2)Discharging size < 0.2mm, usually by over flow type ball mill;
3)2-stage grinding 
First stage usually by grate type or over flow type
Second stage  usually by over flow type

2.How to decide grinding stage number?

1)Discharging size P80 (200mesh < 65% , check mesh to mm converter ), usually use one stage ball mill grindingP80=106~75um(200mesh is 65% - 80%) , by two stage.
3)Discharging size P80=75~55um(200mesh is 80% - 90%), by three stage
3)Discharging size P80<55μm(200mesh is> 90%),by three stage
3.How to choose the model of the ball mill?
1)first confirm your material, wet type ball mill or dry type ball mill?
2)second confirm your capacity?
the capacity has term of hadness of the material.
usually MQG/MQY900x1800 0.5 - 2 ton per hour
MQG/MQY1200x2400 1 - 3ton per hour
MQG/MQY1500x3000 2 - 5ton per hour
they also have model 1830x3000,2100x4500,2200x4500 etc.
4.Does the ball mill can be driven by diesel engine?
Answer: yes, the ball mill can be driven by motor or diesel,especially the small ball mill.
5.Test run requirement of the new ball mill
A.Continuous idle working time no less than 12-24 hours, solving the problems in time when it happens.
B.After the idle run, can make the on load test run, feeding proper ore into the ball mill, mind to avoid the damage of ball and steel plate.  
1、Add proper ore and 1/3 ball, working 12-24 hours.
2、Add 2/3 balls working 24-48 hours
3、According to the discharging situation, the capacity of good products, to assure the suitable ball load quantity of ball mill, then working no less than 72 hours.

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